Proof Part 5: Bring It All Together

Lets recap what we have determined so far.

From Part 1 and Part 2, we have shown based on both energy and geometric considerations, that when a photon is modeled as an LC circuit, the circuits Q, its effective permeability and permittivity constants must all be simple functions of the fine structure constant.

From Part 3, we have shown that a conforming curvature function for mass exists, which in the presence of an intrinsic resistance to curvature results in a force indistinguishable from gravity.

Finally, from Part 4, we have been able to quantify the resistance that the Universe presents in response to curvature and determine all of the other constants required by Part 3.

The implication is that a photon is a local organization of space-time which increases the regional impedance of space-time from its intrinsic value (about 377 Ω) to its intrinsic value time divided by the fine structure constant (about 51649 Ω). When compared to the capacitance and inductance of the same volume of space that does not contain a photon, the capacitance is 1/a times smaller and the inductance is 1/a times larger.

A significance of this is that while for ordinary LC circuits the Q, dielectric constant and permeability constant are all interrelated, there is no reason that any of them should be the same, or even the reciprocal of each other, except by coincidence, as they are all independent variables. The relationship between Q and the physical constants that determine capacitance and inductance can be easily quantified, but the most significant attribute is that these constants are all locked together by the fine structure constant, which is the only quantifiable dimensionless constant in physics (excluding mathematical constants).

Next, consider what happens to the effective dielectric and permeability constants of a region of space in the presense of C and anti-C. CTE describes the scalar quantification of curvature for a region of space, curved by a factor of N and contained within a reference frame, to contain N times more space than it would otherwise, relative to the reference frame. It also supports the notion of nested reference frames, where a curved, or anticurved reference frame is wholly contained within another, unrelated reference frame and a nested frames physical attributes can be measured in both frames.

If we consider a photon to be 2 equal sized regions of space, where the size of each region is proportional to the wavelength squared. One region is curved such that the amount of space it contains is about 137 times more than it would contain without the photon and the other is anti-curved such that it contains 137 time less space than it would otherwise, where 137 is one over the fine structure constant. We can show that the curved portion would have an equivalent dielectric constant 1/137 times less by considering the area divided by the spacing of the plates to be 137 times smaller than they would be for the same amount of space without a photon. Similarly, the inductance of the anti-curved region is increased by a factor of 137 by virtue of the effective coil area divide by its length being 137 times larger. We can also show that curved space has a net capacitive effect while anti curved space has a net inductive effect. To do this, consider the relationships between the current and the voltage in the LC model. The current in the capacitor lags the voltage, while the current through the inductor leads the voltage, both of which are related to the concepts that time lags space in curved space and time is ahead of space in anticurved space.

This quantification of a photon and the space-time it occupies is consistent with the way the models behave and the models require all three laws of CTE in order to be consistent. This shows that an accurate model for a photon exists based on the 3 Laws of CTE which forms a proof of CTE theory, at least for a photon.

There is another interesting model that also has most of the required characteristics. This is a region of space that sinusoidally oscillates between being 137 times more curved than ambient space and 137 times less. In this model, the inductor and the capacitor don't always exist at the same time and instead, equal volumes of space alternates between being capacitive and inductive. The capacitance and inductance of such a space would be described as follows:

    C = ---- sin(ωt) 
	Ζ0 ω

    L = ---- sin(ωt) 
	α ω

Note how the capacitance and inductance alternates between being positive and negative and that negative capacitance can be shown to be equivalent to positive inductance and visa versa. This also satisfies Conservation of Curvature as long as its integrated over a wavelength. However, existence modeled like this does not appear to propagate. Instead, it seems to wiggle in place. An interesting property of this is that it appears to have no gravitational mass, yet it has the properties of inertial mass. This may be a model for some other, more exotic type of particle or energy, perhaps a neutrino, graviton or even a form of Dark Energy.

As for how photons propagate, consider the photon model with equal and opposite amounts of curvature and anti-C, separated by an SOE. The SOE would tend to fall towards the curvature and away from the anti-C. The velocity at which this occurred would be the speed at which the Universes intrinsic resistance to curvature acted, which is the speed of light.

The arrow of time points from the SOE away from the anti-C as it does for particles. The anti-C is behind and the C is ahead and time points forward in the direction of travel, which is consistent with the propagation model. This is somewhat counter intuitive as we have said that the anti-C represents the future while the C represents the past and the anti-C of a photon exists in its past, while the C exists in its future. The proper way to consider time is that the future comes from the anti-C.

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