More Questions

1) How is CTE related to QCD and the Standard Model?

For particles consisting of equal and opposite amounts of C and anti-C, there will exist a boundary of zero C which separates the two, which is called the SOE, or Surface Of Existence. This boundary has the property of spanning space, but not time. That is, the entire SOE represents a single point in time, but a surface in space. This results in the apparent singularity associated with particles and when combined with the nature of existence fitting into harmonicly related solutions is the focal point for merging these 2 apparently divergent theories. Additionally, the idea of a singular point in time distributed over a surface in space forms the basis for a derivation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

2) How is CTE related to GTR theory?

The C that describes CTE is more complicated than the classical curvature associated with GTR. The C of CTE has both static and dynamic components. The static component is basicly the same as the curvature described by GTR theory. The way of modeling the dynamic component is to consider it as the phase difference between space and time, relative to the instant of creation and the speed of light. This introduces an interesting property for the SOE, where it can directly trace its ancestry all the way back to the zero curvature of the proto Universe that preceded the creation event. One significant difference is that CTE considers existence and the fabric of space-time to be a consequence of curvature, while GTR considers curvature to be a consequence of matter in a space-time fabric.

3) What is the nature of time?

The SOE represents the present, the anti-C component of a C function represents its future while the C component represents its past. The arrow of time emanates from SOE's, which for a group of gravitationally related particles are all in lock step. From this we can show that red shift and the expansion of the Universe is a property of the Universe itself and not the result of a kinetic expansion.

4) What is the nature of forces?

All apparent forces on a C function can be quantified by differences in the rate of change (in time and space) of the ambient curvature integrated across its SOE. If the external environment is more curved on one side of an SOE than another, it will tend to move towards the more curved side dragging the C and anti-C with it. As all apparent forces are quantified across a boundary of zero relative C, it's easy to see how Special Relativity can be inferred from the nature of C functions.

5) What is the nature of a charge?

A net charge is a coherent, local violation of Conservation of Curvature which results in apparent forces which attempt to reconcile this violation. The violation results in a SOE where time alternately and asymmetricly gets ahead of and behind space at a rate given by the Compton frequency. The organization of C that results in a negative charge is 2 parts C and 1 part anti-C which results in an average time phase as being a little behind space. Similarly, a positive charge is 2 parts anti-C and 1 part C resulting in an average time phase as being a little ahead of space. Positive and negative charge are described by complementary asymmetric time varying C functions and Conservation of C is the underlying principle behind Conservation of Charge and in fact, all conservation laws.

6) What is the nature of a photon?

Photons are comprised of equal and opposite amounts of C and anti-C represented exclusively by dynamic components. The open nature of the SOE means that the gravitational mass effects of the C are exactly offset by the negative gravitational effects of the anti-C. The SOE of a photon (its present) can be considered to be sinusoidally varying from being a little ahead of space to being a little behind space, with a period equal to its frequency. The magnitude of this difference is set by the intrinsic resonance of the Universe, which results in the phantom charge that oscillates between +Q and -Q, where Q is the basic charge quantum. Note that the magnitude of Q, whether in a photon, or an electron, is a function of this resonance condition.

When a photon is modeled as an ideal LC circuit and considered from an energy point of view, it can be shown that the Q of the resulting resonant circuit must be the reciprocal of the fine structure constant. When the L and C are considered as a function of the wavelength based on purely geometric considerations, the effective dielectric and magnetic constants of the equivalent capacitor and inductor are also found to be trivial functions of the fine structure constant. This gives us 3 independent constants which are all expressed as trivial functions of the fine structure constant. From this, the fine structure constant can be shown to be related to the intrinsic opposition of the Universe to C and photons can be shown to be comprised of equal and opposite parts of C and anti-C. This forms the basis for the proof of CTE theory.

7) What is the nature of the CBR?

The CBR is non periodic EM energy. While ordinary sinusoidal EM energy is comprised of equal amounts of C and anti-C, the CBR has more C than anti-C resulting in a non zero average value. This is a slightly different kind of conservation violation than the one which results in charge and results in an apparent mass instead of a net charge. In the case of the CBR, the violation is in the magnitude of the C while the violation that is responsible for charge is in the phase of the C. An additional consideration is that the dynamic components are stochastic rather than being coherent. A consequence of the non periodic nature of the CBR indicates that it doesn't propagate in straight lines, but instead, along random paths. This makes its true galactic scale structure hard to infer from local CBR measurements alone. The CBR itself is an echo of the random C fluctuations in the original 1-dimensional proto Universe. It's non zero average value reflects the threshold that was crossed which precipitated the Big Bang. Note how CTE describes the Big Bang as a tiny spark and not a huge explosion.

8) What is the nature of mass?

For a particle, with C and anti-C separated by an SOE, the C on the outside overlaps and interacts with the C from all other particles, while the anti-C on the inside never interacts with the anti-C of another particle, unless the two particles happen to be within the same atomic nucleus. From a gravitational point of view, the anti-C on the inside is isolated from the C on the outside due the closed nature of the SOE, resulting in gravitational mass due to the outside C. Inertial mass is a consequence of pushing a closed SOE through an ambient C field.

9) What is the nature of a vacuum?

By CTE considerations, a pure vacuum, is a region of space-time devoid of SOE's. However, as photons, planar EM energy and the CBR are representable with SOE's, a pure vacuum is impossible to achieve. Vacuum energy is not something that CTE has been applied to yet, however, the idea that the CBR is a property of space-time itself could manifest itself as apparent vacuum energy.

10) Why is the force of charge so much more powerful than gravity?

There are three contributing reasons for this. First, gravity is a static phenomenon and charge is a dynamic effect and the way that CTE models charge is that each period of the basic Compton resonance associated with charge contributes independently to the apparent force. Secondly, charge is a function of the imaginary component of the fundamental opposition to curvature while gravity is a function of the real component and the strengths of these 2 components differs by the reciprocal of the fine structure constant. Finally, the force of gravity, that is the fundamental opposition to curvature, is indeed very large, its just that it's offset by the equilibrium condition of C pushing against anti-C. All that we can observe is the effect of a local ambient C differential across an SOE.

11) What is the gravitational mass of antimatter?

Antimatter has negative gravitational mass as a consequence of its anti-C being on the outside and its C being on the inside. However, the reversal of time associated with antimatter makes matter and antimatter appear to be gravitationally attracted from within our reference time frame. In the time frame of antimatter, it's gravitationally repulsed by both other antimatter and matter. Since the SOE is identical for both matter and antimatter, both exhibit the same, positive inertial mass.

12) What is the difference between leptons and bosons?

Bosons have a closed SOE which occupies 3 spatial dimensions, while leptons have an open SOE that occupies 2 spatial dimensions and a time dimension. Electrons can be modeled as a photon in orbit around itself, owing to the asymmetrical C and anti-C components. The result is that photons are the natural way to add or remove energy from an electron. By considering everything to be comprised of the same stuff, it's also easy to see how particles turn into photons as the result of annihilation.

13) Why doesn't the Universe described by CTE simply snuff itself out?

Based on the first 2 laws, you might expect the Universe to simply snuff itself out as it's apparently opposed to its own existence. The Third Law, combined with the passage of time, provides the basis to keep the Universe from doing so. The SOE can be considered the projection of pre-Universe nothingness into existence in our observable 4-dimensional space-time. From an equilibrium point of view, the present and this pre time nothingness are equivalent. The present is represented by the net effect of all SOE's that exist, where each is an echo of the nothingness from which the Universe arose. The Universe is trying to snuff itself out, but can't as a consequence of independent time and space dimensions.

14) What did the Universe look like during and shortly after inflation?

During the inflationary process, mass and temperature were not yet properties that could be associated with the Universe. It wasn't until after inflation completed that mass and temperature first arose. At this time, rather than being an extremely hot place, the Universe was very cold and very dark and comprised of relatively dense, galactic size balls of primordial gaseous particles separated by galactic scale distances along mostly linear distributions. Subtle variations and interactions resulted in a spectrum of sizes and distributions for these primordial balls of gas, most of which quickly collapsed into Quasars which ultimately became the super massive black holes at the center of all galaxies. The matter that spewed out during the active period of the Quasar became the gas that condensed into the stars that we observe today. There is still an open question about the nature of the pre Quasar composition of galaxies and what role, if any, these Quasars had in precipitating primordial matter.

15) What did SOE's look like during the inflationary period?

The original 1-dimensional proto Universe was itself an SOE. After the first dimensional split, SOE's became 1-dimensional points along a line. After the next split, they became circles along a surface. After the final split, they became spheres contained in a volume. We can see echos of the 3-dimensional Energy Universe today as photons, whose SOE's resembles circles and which exist in 2 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension. We can also see echos of the first dimensional split as the distribution of galaxies. The Compton frequency is an echo of the rate at which the Curvature and Matter Universes doubled the total curvature in existence.

16) Why has it taken so long to figure this out?

One reason why this has not been obvious is that curvature has typically quantified as something that matter imposes on a Euclidean Universe, and not as a quantification of the manifestation of the Universe itself. From a causality point of view, GTR really doesn't care which of these points of view is taken, but from a modeling point of view, it makes a huge difference.

17) Other potential effects?

Using CTE, one can quantify the effects of a differential gravitational field as resulting in a charge. This may form the basis for lighting as an accumulation of charge due to the differential gravitational effect of the motions of the mass of a cloud, relative to the earth below. Another possible effect is the differential gravitational field caused by the molten core of the earth, relative to the solid mantle, establishing a current in the core which is observed as a magnetic field. Another interesting possibility is modeling the event horizon of a black hole as a macroscopic SOE. Another area where CTE is interesting is with regard to quantum effects like superconductors, superfluids and the potential existence of a superdielectric phenomenon. Effects like these can potentially be modeled as macroscopic SOE's and/or the complete synchronization of the dynamic components of C.

18) What's in the future?

CTE may hold the clue to predicting the masses of the elementary particles and shows additional promise to reduce the number of independent physical constants. For example, the Gravitational constant G should be computable based on other things. CTE also seems to indicate that the fine structure constant is far more important than is currently considered. CTE may pave the way to develop a viable field propulsion engine. A concept called a Paradox Engine, which should be relatively easy to prototype, could be the key to field propulsion. What drives the Paradox Engine is the generation of paradoxical EM energy, where the paradox is resolved by an acceleration of the source frame, relative to the reference frame. The hardware to do this is very similar to that proposed in order to create dark matter in the laboratory.

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