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Many sources of information


The AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) message is strangely appealing. It promotes the fear of catastrophe with the hope of salvation. There are heretics, convenient scapegoats and is promoted as the 'right thing to do'. The dark side, is that if AGW is wrong, the path to salvation is the most unnecessary and self destructive thing we can possibly do to our economy.

The science tells us the truth about AGW and there are many sources of high quality data. This broad spectrum of data must be examined in detail and reconciled with the physics. All anomalies must be adequately explained and all influences correlated among the different data sets. Jumping to conclusions without thoroughly understanding the data will inevitably lead to an incorrect result whose errors affect all subsequent analysis.

If you want to skip ahead for a summary of what the science says, go here (http) or here (ppt/odp). Each of the above points may be jumped to by clicking on the named topic (adjacent ppt tag for ppt or otp presentation format).